6 Of The Best Detox Water Recipes. Fall In Love With Water Again


These are the best detox water recipes for weight loss, aiding digestion, cleansing the body and looking dang great at parties!


  • Cucumber and lemon detox water
  • Mango and Thyme
  • Strawberry and mint
  • Basil and raspberries.
  • Grapefruit and Rosemary
  • Apple cider and sage detox

There are plenty of detox water recipes out there. These 6 recipes offer the most value and taste great.

Is Detox Water a Miracle Elixirs?

What if I told you that you could easily create a Detox Drink (or drinks), resulting in over 20 health benefits.

  • Weight loss (1)
  • Better digestion(2)
  • Increased energy levels (3)

Sound too good to be true? The truth is these benefits are reached by drinking good old fashioned plain water. But for some of us, we battle to reach our daily water intake requirements.

Why is that? How can we change this?

So, if you’re like me and you need a little something more interesting to convince your dumb self to drink the stuff, then go ahead and make these delicious detox waters. Or maybe you’re just looking for something interesting and cost-effective to serve at your next lunch or dinner party, (or even your surprise wedding).

water in glasses with fruit and herbs

1. Lemon and Cucumber Detox Water

How to make Lemon and Cucumber Detox Water

This is one of the most popular detox water recipes out there!

Cut up some lemons and cucumbers and place them in a glass or jug or fruit-infused water bottle.

Store in the refrigerator for 1 to 12 hours. Remove cucumber skins to reduce contamination and lemon rinds for bitterness if storing for longer periods of time.

Benefits of Lemon and Cucumber Detox Water

This is the ultimate detox drink. Lemon has a whole host of health benefits, and the cucumber gives a subtle but distinct flavor.

  • Burn belly fat.
  • Curb appetite.
  • Fush the digestive system and rehydrate the body.
  • Immune boost with vitamin C from the lemon.
lemon and cucumber cut up on a board
lemon and cucumber detox water

2. Mango and Thyme Detox Water

How to make Mango and Thyme Detox Water

Cut up some Mango, wash some thyme sprigs, and place them together in a glass or jug or fruit-infused water bottle.
Store in the refrigerator for at least 1 to 12 hours. Serve cold.

Benefits of Mango and Thyme Detox Water

  • Protect againsts cancers- Mango has high antioxidant properties that have been found to.
  • Keeps you feeling full for longer- this is thanks to the fiber in mango. (Snack on a bit of the leftover mango pieces to reap these benefits).
mango and thyme cut up on a board
mango and thyme detox waterdetox water

3. Strawberry and Mint Detox Water

How To make Strawberry and Mint Detox Water

Wash and cut up some strawberries and fresh mint leaves and place them in a glass or jug or fruit-infused water bottle.
Store in the refrigerator for at least 1 to 12 hours. For a more intense flavor, bruise the fruit and tear up the leaves.

Make sure to remove the fruit a while before decomposition starts.

Benefits of Strawberry and Mint Detox Water

  • Major source of antioxidants and Vitamin C .
  • Strawberries are fat-free, cholesterol-free, and low in calories.
  • Mint aids digestion.
  • Makes a well-balanced refreshing taste.
strawberry cut up on a board
strawberry detox water

4. Raspberries and Basil Detox Water

How To make Raspberries and Basil Detox Water

Wash some raspberries and fresh basil leaves and place in a glass or jug or fruit-infused water bottle.
Store in the refrigerator for at least 1 to 12 hours. For a more intense flavor, bruise the fruit and tear up the leaves. Make sure to remove the fruit a while before decomposition starts.

Health benefits of Raspberries and Basil Detox Water

  • Packed with vitamin c and antioxidants
    low in calories.
  • Have anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Basil tones down the sweetness of the berries creating a great refreshing summer drink.
rasberry and mint cut up on a board
rasberry detox water
grapefruit cut up on a board
grapefruit detox water

5. Grapefruit and Rosemary Detox Water

How To Make Grapefruit and Rosemary Detox Water

Cut up some grapefruits, wash some fresh rosemary, and place in a glass or jug or fruit-infused water bottle.
Store in the refrigerator for at least 1 to 12 hours. Remove Grapefruit rinds if storing for longer periods of time to prevent bitterness from the pith.

Benefits Of Grapefruit and Rosemary Detox Water

  • Aids weight loss: Grapefruit has been associated with weight loss and used in diets for years.
  • low in calories
  • lowers blood sugar levels due to the high fiber content
  • Makes you feel fuller for longer: The fruit will help fill you up, so you’ll eat fewer calories at meals.

These benefits are only experienced when eating the fruit because of its fiber content. After drinking your water, snack on the leftover pieces or blitz the grapefruit (rind and pith removed first) with water and have as a smoothie for these benefits.

Rosemary has a very distinct taste and fragrant smell. You’ll only need a few sprigs to create a powerful taste explosion.

6. Apples, Apple Cider Vinegar, And Sage Detox Water

How To Make an Apple Cider Detox Water

Cut up some apples and add some apple cider vinegar, honey, and sage into a glass or jug or fruit-infused water bottle.

Being a vinegar and therefore acidic by nature, you’ll need to dilute it first to protect your esophagus. Mixing it with some sweet honey and fresh sage balances out its pungent nature.
Store in the refrigerator for at least 1 to 12 hours and serve chilled.

Alternatively, enjoy as a hot drink by steeping for 30 minutes before drinking.

Health Benefits of Drinking Apple Cider Vinegar Detox Water

There are so many wonderful benefits of drinking apple cider vinegar, even daily. 

  • Aids in weight loss.
  • Lowers heart disease risk.
  • Acetic acid boost.
  • It helps digestion, nutrient absorption, and acid reflux.
  • Balance body’s PH levels.
  • Increases energy to muscles.

Detox water is a great way to get you to drink more water because the extra ingredients make drinking water more fun.

apple cider vinegar on board with cut apple slices
apple cider vinegar detox water

If you need a little more info on detox water recipes and their benefits or when the best time to drink it is, head over to the article on 9 Detox Water Facts Proving It’s Good For Your Health (Recipe Included)

Bridget Beguin Health Coaching

Hi I'm Bridget Beguin

I’m a health coach who helps high-achieving professionals regain control of their health and well-being.

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